会場はヒューストンのGeorge R. Brown Convention Centerで、初めて参加するメンバーは、Hawaii Regionalとは比べ物にならない大きさに会場に入った瞬間から驚かされました。
全チームがまずはDivisionというグループに振り分けられて予選を行い、そこから勝ち上がったチームで決勝戦を行います。私たちはNewton Divisionです。(Divisionにはそれぞれ科学分野の偉人の名前が付けられています。かっこいい…)
Hawaii Regionalでは会場に一つだった競技フィールドも、世界大会ではDivisionの数に合わせて8つも並びます。
8つ並んだフィールドの両側には各チームのピットが並んでおり、Newton Divisionの区画には私たちのピットもあります。
そして、会場には試合中でなくても実際のフィールドに近い環境で練習ができるPractice Fieldという場所があります。
いよいよ明日からはDivision予選が始まります。私たちもCharged Upです!
Konichiwa from the United States! I hope you are enjoying Japan after a long season! As soon as I saw your pit in Houston, I knew I had to check out your pit and that’s where I met Miyu. I even took a photo with her (girl in the cherry blossom yukata by the way). I unfortunately can’t put the photo here in the comments. I have to give credit to her because I became a lot more social after talking to her which has made me feel good about myself as a person. I now have friends on 11 teams (that includes my own team 88 TJ2 and you guys).
I really enjoyed seeing you guys in Houston and I really wish you guys could compete in events closer to where we’re from. There is however BattleCry at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester. The event already happened this year, but there is always next year. I really wish I could see you guys again at some point, but hey, there’s DMs on Instagram, emails, letters, all of that (I unfortunately can’t add Japanese numbers on my US phone). Enjoy the offseason in Japan!